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Wudang Secret Taoist Series of DVDs

We offer a series of Wudang dvds, which covers different Wudang kungfu including Wudang Quan, Plam, Sword, Cudgel, and Taiyi Horsetail Whisk etc. explained and demnstrated by the fourteenth generation headmaster of wudang Internal Boxing, You Xuande, and with English, and Chinese subtitles available.

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DW041 - Wudang Eight Drunken Immortals Swordplay
The eight drunken immortals swordplay of wudang came from eight immortal persons in Taoism (Han Zhongli, Lu Dongbing, Tie Guaili, Zhang Guolao, He Xian'gu, Lan Chaihe, Cao Guojiu, Han Xiangzi). In the swordplay, the body looks drunken but not steps; steps looks drunken but not mind; mind looks drunken but not spirit. Body waves about from the left to the right, like flying clouds when playing slowly; like rushing thunder when rapidly. Hardness getting together with softness, it is hard to distinguish whether false or true. Cantus says: "full of oddity, it turned over, birds flushed away; it not moistened when rolling on the floor; slow like light wind without seeing the sword; within the innumerable changes, sword light seen but not people." Practicing the sword as if the miens of the eight immortals when drunk; the sword techniques are easily changeable, its postures like swimming dragon playing the pearls. Wudang disciple student You Xiaolong demonstrated this routine of sword, coached by the fourteenth generation headmaster of wudang Internal Boxing - You Xuande.
Soundtrack: Chinese
Subtitles: English / Chinese
Duration: mins
Region: Region: 0 (all region DVD)
Artist:Grandmaster You Xuande

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DW043 - Wudang Xuanwu Cudgel Play
The Wudang Mountain is the place where the rites were held by Taoist God Xuanwu in the legend. So Wudang Kung fu was created and developed on the basis of, also influenced by, the Taoist philosophy. While practising wudang cudgel it demands that clamp dowm the heart, sink down qi, concentrate on spirit and smooth energy. It shows the calm of the tortoise and inspiration of the snake in the cudgel techniques. Main methods include striking, pointing, uppercuting, parrying, clouding, sweeping, blocking and supporting, which truly show the Wudang cudgel's special characteristics such as a unity of body and weapon, and the changes of Yin and Yang.
Soundtrack: Chinese
Subtitles: English / Chinese
Duration: double dvds
Region: Region: 0 (all region DVD)
Artist:Grandmaster You Xuande

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DW044 - Wudang Taiyi Horsetail Whisk
Of all Wudang Kungfu, there are many odd phylum weapons, and horsetail whisk is one of them. In the immortal Taoism system, horsetail whisk is a magic weapon. The great masters in the past were always carrying with horsetail whisks while touring around. For example, Taishanglaojun, Taiyizhenren, and Ludongbing, immortals were all famous for using horsetail whisks. The unique styles and characteristic come naturally. All of these had added boundless cultural charm to the Chinese history literature. The practicing style of the horsetail whisk was unique, with trenchancy skills, also with both hard and soft tactics, tight opening and close. Practice it as if a heavenly steed soaring across the skies, it would be with a powerful and unconstrained style, elegant behavior, and changing agility and leap. The most prominent ones were the fifth generation disciples of Wudang, Youxiaolong and Youzunlong. Horsetail whisk is dainty about felicity combination of body movements and whisk skills while in practicing. Furthermore, it has the good effect of keeping health, that's why people like it so much.
Soundtrack: Chinese
Subtitles: English / Chinese
Duration: 58 mins
Region: Region: 0 (all region DVD)
Artist:Grandmaster You Xuande

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DW045 - Wudang Cream Taijiquan
Wudang Mountain is the famous scenic spot of Taoism. One day, Taoist Zhang sanfeng had watched the fight between snake and sparrow, at that night he dreamed that emperor "Xuan" taught him boxing. After that, he comprehended the theory inside Yin-yang and changes, and then he created Wudang style according to his feeling and idea. Wudang Kungfu had been famous all over the world since internal boxing formed with Zhang songxi, meanwhile Taoism has been famous for its Taijiquan so that there is a popular saying that "Kungfu number one in south is Wudang, in north is Shaolin".
Soundtrack: Chinese
Subtitles: English / Chinese
Duration: 64 mins
Region: Region: 0 (all region DVD)
Artist:Grandmaster You Xuande

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DW046 - Wudang Eighteen-Forms Taijiquan
The Eighteen forms Taijiquan in Wudang boxing is new frame. The routine includes the essentials of Old Frame Taijiquan, Free Palm, Soft Palm, Five Elements Techniques for Life Enhancement, and The Form and Will Bowing and Eight Diagrams Palm. The style of these forms move well situated, tender and smooth. In the character of skills, Wudang Kungfu shows soft beating hard, late reaction but reaching first, sticking burst, silk reel engery blocking, and acupuncture point attacking etc. It is suitable for all ages of people to practise.
Soundtrack: Chinese
Subtitles: English / Chinese
Duration: 56 mins
Region: Region: 0 (all region DVD)
Artist:Grandmaster You Xuande

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DW047 - Wudang Elixir Sword
Wudang Swordplay has tremendous influence in Chinese Wushu world. It is an famous internal kung fu and has the tradition, which handed down secretly in a line. It belongs to an internal kungfu series, and its techniques include pointing, titling, upper cutting, parrying, clouding, slicing, sweeping, piercing, blocking, circling, leading, chopping, pulling. The movements are clear and distinct and connections are smooth and natural. When practicing, your internal energy and your external performance should be well coordinated and make the force flow along with the sword to merge the sword and the body into one unity.
Soundtrack: Chinese
Subtitles: English / Chinese
Duration: Double dvds: 1hr 53 mins
Region: Region: 0 (all region DVD)
Artist:Grandmaster You Xuande

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DW048 - Wudang Taiyi Free Palm
Wudang Kungfu uses Tuna and Daoyin as the core technique, meanwhile it emphasis the inner exercising with Yin and yang. It also combines with the theory of Wu Xing (five elements), Ba Gua and Jiu Gong (nine palaces), and formed an excellent routine for internal boxing exercises; While the set of the Taiyi Free Palm shows philosophical thinking of Laozi and Zhuangzi, as if in the artistic conception of Zhuangzi's "free travelling". Its skills focus on bones and muscles practices, seizing arteries and veins, hitting at certain acupoints and pouncing on. Its style is not only like stone drop downward the bottom of ocean but also like group of cranes dancing and flying. Its practicing is lower but relaxed, and you will feel it is wonderful.
Soundtrack: Chinese
Subtitles: English / Chinese
Duration: mins
Region: Region: 0 (all region DVD)
Artist:Grandmaster You Xuande

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