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Traditional Yang-style Tai Chi DVDs by Zhang Fuhua

This traditional Yang-style Tai Chi Quan series dvds are performed by Grandmaster Zhang Fuhua, who is the 6th generation of Yang-style Tai Chi Quan, and a indoor student of Yang-style Grandmaster Fu Shengyuang.

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DW149-02 Traditional Yang-style Taichi Sabre
Traditional Yang-style Taichi Sabre originates from Taichiquan. It shares the same characteristics and requirements with Taichiquan exercise and keeps the antique style of weapons which wielded as fierce as tiger and as adroit as jungle ape. Taichi sabre's movement features circles, as is the same as Taichiquan and sword. However, Taichi sabre's wielding circles hovering above and around head is most outstanding.
Soundtrack: Chinese
Subtitles: selectable English / Chinese
Duration: 45 mins
Region: 0 (all region DVD)

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DW149-03 Traditional Yang-style Taichi Push-hands Exercise
Taichi Push-hands Exercise is a duel event between two bare-handed people, and therefore has a feature of duel between two opponents. Following and sticking, up and down going together, neither loosing nor goring, circling and turning, avoiding the main forces and striking the weak point, persisting instead of prompting, this exercise draws on these basic techniques of grasping, catching, throwing, hitting, warding, deflecting, pushing, pressing, elbowing and leaning, etc. to drill the sensibility of skin and body so as to take preemptive steps in fighting the enemy. Hence, it's a super martial art exercise marked by taking advantage of the enemy's force to counterattack.
Soundtrack: Chinese
Subtitles: selectable English / Chinese
Duration: 44 mins
Region: 0 (all region DVD)

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