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Chinese Traditional Shaolin Kungfu DVDs

In China, it has been said all heros are from Shaolin, that means, shaolin kungfu is very famous among Chinese martial arts. We here offers a series of Shaolin martial arts dvds, which include shaolin quan (or boxing, fist etc. in the dvds), sword, sabre, spear, qigong, etc. The dvds are instructoral and demonstrational, so they can be used for either purposes of teaching, training, learnig and/or collections.

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Shi Deyang Shaolin kungfu (DW081)

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Shaolin traditional kungfu series(DW110)

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Real shaolin kungfu series(DW083)

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Shaolin Taizu Sereies(DW092)

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Shaolin Peculiar Weapon (DW116)

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Shaolin Kungfu Actual Combat Techniques (DW144)

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Shaolin Damo Style DVD (DW158)

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Shaolin Qigong Series DVD (DW159)

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Shaolin Kungfu DVD(DW167)

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